C# IStructuralEquatable nedir Için Adım Haritaya göre Yeni Adım

C# IStructuralEquatable nedir Için Adım Haritaya göre Yeni Adım

Blog Article

Why do we have IStructuralComparable and IStructuralEquatable when there already exist the IComparable and IEquatable interfaces? The answer I would offer is that, in general, it's desirable to differentiate between reference comparisons and structural comparisons.

Now, when we call Equals ourselves it will directly call our new fancy Equals that takes in a ScreenMetrics, which is great.

If you want to implement IEquatable in a class hierarchy you gönül use the following pattern. It prevents derived (including sibling) classes from being equal.

Bey far kakım I see this is only exposed through the StructuralComparisons class. The only way I kişi figure out to make this useful is to make a StructuralEqualityComparer helper class as follow:

In this equating the values in arrays may be same or different but their object references are equal.

The following example defines a NanComparer class that implements the IStructuralEquatable interface. It compares two Double or two Single values by using the equality operator. It passes values of any other type to the default equality comparer.

The IEquatable implementation will require one less cast for these classes and birli a result will be slightly faster than the standard object.Equals method that would be used otherwise. As an example see the different implementation of the two methods:

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GitHub'da bizimle ortaklaşa iş dokuman Bu gönülğin kaynağı GitHub'da C# IStructuralEquatable Kullanımı bulunabilir; burada hatta problemlerı ve çekme isteklerini oluşturup gözden geçirebilirsiniz. Elan fazla fen yürekin katkıda bulunan kılavuzumuzu inceleyin.

Ya, makalede nekais olabilir. Bunu tenkit olarak akseptans ediyorum. Işlevsel programlamada struct kullanılmasının nedenini bile bilmiyor, performans ve gayrı mevzular için da rastgele bir fikir çitndırmıdeğerlendirme. Siz biliyorsanız lütfen aydınlatır mısınız?

The IStructuralEquatable interface supports only custom comparisons for structural equality. The IStructuralComparable interface supports custom structural comparisons for sorting and ordering.

However, this is hamiş so great if you are using the struct in a dictionary bey my good friend Dustin mentioned to me because a Dictionary will always use the object version of Equals, which falls back to boxing :(

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